About Us
The Golden Plain Agricultural Products Cooperative Limited was firstly formed as a Cooperative Limited under "1992 Myanmar Cooperative Societies Law" on 12 August 2004 in Yangon, Myanmar. However, name of the Golden Plain Agricultural Products Cooperative Limited has been officially changed to Golden Plain Livelihood Development Services Cooperative Limited with effect from 27 August2012underthepermissionoftheMinistryofCooperative.
Golden Plain was newly formed as a local non-government organization to provide the services in the field of agriculture, livestock, livelihood, construction of infrastructure, environment, advocacy/ democracy/ human rights and women empowerment in rural communities with intention to reduce poverty and to promote an open and right based society.
The registration number of Golden Plain is Dayingauk-1508 LaHta/Yangon Region.
- Towards sustainable and successive socio-economic development of Myanmar Society
- GP empowers rural communities and other local CBOs by providing innovative livelihood services towards poverty alleviation in Myanmar.
Our Services
- Providing technical training (Agriculture , Livestock and Livelihood ) for rural communities
- Consulting in the field of Rural Development
- Construction in the field of Rural Development
- Consulting of communities infrastructure
- Complementing the project funded by Lift, EU,UNDP,JICA
- On site seed production & mangrove rehabilitation in Labutta. (JICA)
- Recovery of paddy production project in Pauk Taw. (Save the Children/LIFT)
- Inle Lake conservation and rehabilitation project in Kalaw, Pindaya, Nyaung Shwe (UNDP).
- Human Rights & Democracy Trainings in Pyarpon & Dedaye (FNF/US Embassy)
Golden Plain performed in Reveal International Project in 30 target villages in Mahlaing and Ayartaw townships, Mandalay Region in 2011-2013 aiming to improve the livelihoods of the rural communities by giving the livelihood trainings. Daw Khin Win Myint, woman headed, owned 5 acres of cultivated land is an outstanding beneficiary in Dahatan village, Mahlaing township.